Apply for Youth Sustainable Impact 2017

Youth Sustainable Impact 2017

 Deadline: March 5th, 2017
Eligibility : All countries citizen aged 16-25
Location: Oslo, Norway
Type of funding : Fully Funded

Youth Sustainable Impact (YSI)
An organization empowering youth to solve the sustainability challenges of the 21st century. After witnessing the Paris conference unfold, a group of Norwegian youngsters felt inspired to create their own conference.

A place to bring together the greatest young entrepreneurs from all over the world. To create, prototype and implement real solutions to the 17 UN sustainable development goals.

Now, one year later they have teams in 4 countries and representatives from 25 countries still working towards one vision: bringing the greatest youth together to actually create change.

You will get:
1. Free stay, food, and plane tickets to Oslo, Norway.
2. An innovation program in world class.
3. Mentorship, expertise and guidance.
4. Gain a network of brilliant people from all over the world.
5. A major opportunity to create a startup that will succeed.
6. Meet top investors, corporations, entrepreneurs and business people.
7. Learn leadership, self-development, team-building, innovation, creativity, about the sustainable development goals, entrepreneurship, yourself and much more.

Expectations of YSI:
1. You commit to our program from April – August (5-15 hours a week).
2. You are ready for being in Oslo from August 14th to 25th (free stay).
3. You commit to following up the project after the workshop and conference.

Register here:

Apply for ASEF Young Leaders Summit 2017 Korea

Deadline : March 20th 2017
Eligibility : Citizen of ASEM Member Countries aged 18-30 years old
Time : May 4th-8th 2017
Location : Seoul, Korea
Type Funding : Fully Funded (Included transportation, meals, accomodation and travel subsidiary)

Do you want to create a more inclusive, fair and accessible employment market for young people? If yes, then apply now for the 2nd ASEF Young Leaders Summit (#ASEFYLS2) to shape the future.

With an unprecedented number of young people entering the labour market, societies across Asia and Europe must adapt to equip young people with the education and skills necessary to have financial independence and a life of dignity. Themed “Access to Youth Employment”, ASEFYLS2 is for young thinkers and doers with passion and ideas to tackle this challenge.

ASEFYLS2 will focus on 8 thematic areas linked to job-creation and inclusion: age; education; disability; finance; gender; location; social backgrounds; and technology. The project will also contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular goals 4 (on education), 5 (on gender equality), and 8 (on decent work).

Together with speakers, panellists, and mentors, including top-tier policy-makers, thought-provoking academics, daring entrepreneurs and civil society advocates, ASEFYLS2 participants will:
  • Meet leaders from governments, businesses, academia and intergovernmental organisations
  • Collaborate with peers
  • Develop a critical and analytical mind-set to pursue, unpack and answer complicated questions
  • Enhance and acquire practical skills useful for their academic, professional and personal ventures
  • Share questions and ideas directly with ASEM Leaders 
If you are interested to join, apply HERE.
For more heads-up on ASEFYLS2 check here
Burning questions? Roll over to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

50 Pemuda Pilihan Dilatih menjadi Pejuang Iklim

Pemuda Pejuang Iklim Indonesia
Pemuda Pejuang Iklim Indonesia (Dok. Youth Leadership Camp Committee)

Jakarta, 6 Februari 2017 – Kantor UNESCO Jakarta, UN CC:Learn (The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership) melalui UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research), bekerjasama dengan The Climate Reality Project Indonesia (TCRPI) telah mengadakan “Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change 2017” sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan fase kedua UN CC:Learn proyek Strengthening Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development to Address Climate Change dengan dukungan dari Pemerintah Swiss dan mitra Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Pelatihan ini akan berlangsung selama 3 hari sejak hari Sabtu hingga Senin tanggal 4 – 6 Februari 2017 di wilayah Cagar Biosfer Cibodas. 

Pelatihan dengan peserta 50 pemuda/i terpilih ini bertujuan untuk membekali peserta dengan informasi tentang perubahan iklim, gaya hidup yang harus dilakukan agar lebih rendah karbon, dan keterampilan komunikasi untuk mendukung aksi pengendalian perubahan iklim.

Setelah pelatihan, peserta akan dikukuhkan menjadi Pejuang Iklim dan diwajibkan untuk menerapkan aksi pengendalian perubahan iklim secara langsung di lingkungan sekitarnya. Peserta terbaik akan disponsori oleh UN CC:Learn untuk mengikuti “Tribal Climate Camp 2017” di Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 31 Juli-4 Agustus 2017 yang akan diikuti pemuda/i, kaum profesional pegiat perubahan iklim dan masyarakat adat dari Amerika Serikat dan Kanada.
Salah satu peserta camp, Claudia dari Universitas Padjajaran, menyatakan bahwa setelah camp dia merasa lebih percaya diri untuk menggunakan energinya sebagai pemuda untuk menjalankan gaya hidup yang rendah karbon. “Sebagai generasi future leader, saya ingin agar pemuda Indonesia menjadi agen perubahan dengan melakukan aksi nyata untuk menghadapi perubahan iklim. Karena kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi? Hanya kita yang bisa menyelamatkan nasib kita sendiri di masa depan. Karena menjadi perubahan yang diinginkan merupakan langkah lebih jauh dari sekedar menginginkan perubahan"
Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific menyatakan bahwa UNESCO mendukung pelibatan pemuda-pemudi dunia termasuk Indonesia untuk menjadi penggiat perubahan iklim, salah satunya dengan turut menjaga kelestarian alam dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat sekitar. “Indonesia sudah memiliki 11 Cagar Biosfer, 4 Warisan Alam Dunia, 2 Taman Bumi (Geopark) dan daftar ini dapat terus bertambah mengingat kekayaan ekosistem yang dimiliki Indonesia. Pemuda-pemudi Indonesia adalah generasi harapan kami untuk dapat meneruskan upaya pelestarian alam dan upaya adaptasi dalam mendukung Agenda 2030 guna mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (SDG)“
Cristina Rekakavas, UN CC:Learn Secretariat, menyampaikan selamat kepada seluruh mahasiswa dan pemuda/i atas partisipasinya dalam acara ini. Acara ini berkontribusi terhadap pelaksanaan National Climate Change Learning Strategy of Indonesia, yang diluncurkan pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 2013. "Pembinaan pemuda/i merupakan investasi yang penting untuk dilakukan guna dapat mewujudkan masa depan yang berkelanjutan. Upaya tersebut diimplementasikan melalui UN CC:Learn Partnership yang mendukung penuh pemuda/i seluruh dunia untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kapasitas untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim, menghadapi tantangan dan menjajagi kesempatan yang tersedia. Pemuda/i merupakan pemimpin, pengambil keputusan dan konsumen di hari esok. Jadi, mulailah dari sekarang dengan menularkan antusiasme kalian dan berpikir kreatif!"
Amanda Katili Niode, Manager The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, mengatakan bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan wadah bagi pemuda Indonesia untuk mendalami isu perubahan iklim sekaligus belajar bagaimana komunikasi pada masyarakat. “Pemuda Indonesia merupakan segmen penduduk yang sesuai sekali untuk menjadi pelopor di masyarakat. Mereka punya semangat membara untuk jadi agen perubahan dan punya kemampuan teknologi informasi yang relatif tinggi. Kita harus wadahi itu”
Dalam kegiatan tersebut peserta juga mendapatkan workshop tentang pembuatan film. Ray Nayoan, sineas muda Indonesia yang beberapa kali memproduksi film tentang perubahan iklim menyatakan bahwa perubahan iklim itu isu yang kompleks, sangat menantang untuk disampaikan melalui film. Ray yang menjadi salah satu trainer dalam camp tersebut menambahkan, “namun jika berhasil mengemas dengan baik, hasilnya adalah masyarakat jadi lebih mudah mencerna dan harapannya mereka mau mengubah gaya hidup menjadi lebih rendah karbon.” (YLCCC/BS)

Call for Participants : Greeneration Friend of Earth Camp 2017 Indonesia

Greeneration Friend of Earth Camp 2017

 Apply for Greeneration Friend of Earth Camp 2017 Indonesia

Deadline : February 5th 2017
Type : Fully funded (top 10 Delegates through selection stages, partially for others)
Location : Lombok, Indonesia
Organizer : Indonesia Global Network
Target Participants : Youth from Asian Countries aged 16-30 years old

Environmental issues have been growing interest of people’s concern. The rapid growth of population directly increases the demand of human basic needs while nature has its limit as some sources are not renewable. Moreover, the high technological advances also bring impacts to nature sustainability. The awareness towards this particular issue have been raised not only for government, but also academician, experts, NGOs, and even public society. We believe that an action to take care of our environment should be done by involving more elements including youth as the next generation. It is important for young people to be aware of this issue and involved in the endeavors to solve the problems.

GFE (Greeneration Friend of Earth) Camp is an event purposely organized for youths who care about the future of their environment and have intention to do a concrete effort to preserve the nature. This event will also connect them as young leaders around the world with the same passion in environmental issues and similar projects to solve environmental problems in their community. Therefore, through this event, the young leaders are expected to collaborate and exchange ideas in order to create a greater change to protect the nature and be the great friend for our earth.


50 young Greenerations from Asian countries aged 16th – 30th years old selected through 3 stages of application process.


  • Build awareness of the younger generation about the importance of clean environment for future
  • Establish communication and network among World Youth Generation having passion in environmental sector
  • Accommodate environmental issue sharing and cultural exchange for World Youth Leaders
Apply to be a part of Greeneration Friend of Earth Camp 2017 Indonesia : Apply HERE
Visit official website to get more info : Here

Call for Participants : Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change 2017 Indonesia

Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change 2017

Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change 2017

The Youth Camp for Fostering Leadership in Addressing Climate Change is a joint cooperation between UNITAR and UNESCO Office Jakarta within the second phase of the UN CC:Learn Project to Strengthen Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development to Address Climate Change. In this project, the main activities are 3-day youth camp aimed at raising climate change awareness among Indonesian youth, who will be playing major roles in the shift towards sustainable lifestyles and in disseminating the importance of climate change adaptation and mitigation.

The specific objectives of the activities: 1) to equip university students with knowledge about climate change in agriculture & energy, marine & fisheries, and forestry sectors, 2) to equip university students with communication skills, through social media skills, about climate change in agriculture & energy, marine & fisheries, and forestry sectors, 3) to equip university students with peer education skills and strategy (community engagement), 4) to inform the public on the planning for and results of the “Youth Camp for Fostering Leadership in Addressing Climate Change” through the media, and to educate university journalists on the importance of climate change in agriculture & energy, marine & fisheries, and forestry sectors.

The camp will be carried out in 3 locations throughout Indonesia and will consist of climate change training materials, peer education skills, and social media strategy skills as well as a site visit. It will provide approximately 150 committed Indonesian youth (between the ages of 17-25) with specialized training focusing on climate change in agriculture & energy, marine & fisheries and forestry sectors and also how to communicate and engage communities with the issue.

The Youth Camp for Fostering Leadership in Addressing Climate Change project is aligned with Indonesia’s new “National Medium Term Development Plan” (2016–2019). This activity also addresses Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 13, Target 3: “Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning”. The whole project contributes to UNESCO Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2021 (37 C/4) in Natural Sciences by strengthening science, technology and innovation systems and policies in Indonesia by highlighting the importance of understanding climate change impacts on sustainable development. It links with 38 C/5 Major Programme II – Natural Sciences, Main Line of Action 5 by utilizing biosphere reserves as learning places for climate change mitigation and adaptation. In view of UNFCCC COP 22, the activities will strengthen Indonesian youth awareness and build capacity on climate change issues in Indonesia.

The Climate is changing, earth temperature is rising. We cannot wait any longer, we need young people to take part and be prepared for the action.

Are you dare to be part of the change?
Are you willing to learn and get ready for tackling Climate Change?
Then get yourself ready to join the camp!

This Camp is open for student, young teachers, journalist, community and organization representative, anyone who passionate to be Climate rangers and ready for action on the ground.

🚩 When and Where?
The Camp is located at 3 UNESCO Sites:
⚫Cibodas Biosphere Reserve : February 04-06, 2017
⚫Leuser National Park : February 18-20, 2017
⚫Bukit Barisan National Park : February 24-26, 2017

πŸ“Œ Participant Requirements :
⚫Indonesian Youth Age 17-25
⚫Passionate in Climate Change Issues
⚫Commit to Participate in 3 Days Camp and Post Camp Activities
⚫Build a team consist of 5 People with Gender Balance ( Minimum 2 Males/Females per Group)
⚫Able to speak in English, at least one people in group can do videography is an additional value.
⚫Each group member required to send: CV, Motivation Letter, recent casual Close-Up picture and screenshot of following our social media to:
⚫Register your team through online form :

Get yourself ready and fill up your team.
Grasp a remarkable experience to learn more about Climate Change, to get connected with youth sharing same visions, and mentor by our team to start a real action on the ground for post-camp activities.

πŸ“†The registration deadline differs for each location, mark your camp location and note that the deadline is 4 Days BEFORE the camp date:
πŸ”΄On January 31th, 2017 for Cibodas Biosphere Reserve
πŸ”΄On February 14th, 2017 for Leuser National Park
πŸ”΄On February 20th, 2017 for Bukit Barisan National Park

πŸ” Shall you have any inquiries, find us on :
Email :
Instagram : @youthleaderclimatecamp
Twitter: @ylcccid
Facebook : ylcccid

Make the change and share the hype using hashtag :  #ylccc2017

Presented by The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, UNESCO, UNCC:Learn, Swedish Agency for Development and Cooperation Agency, and Youth for Climate Change Indonesia.
Visit the official website : UNESCO

Call for Facilitators and Volunteers : ASEAN Youth Volunteers Programme 2017 Indonesia

AYVP 2017 Indonesia

[Fully Funded] AYVP INDONESIA 2017

The ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme (AYVP) 2017 will be organised for the fifth time this year which it will be held on 1st until 26th August 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia replicating the thematic area of the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). This programme, developed and implemented by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia – UKM), with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in collaboration with Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung Institute of Technology – ITB).

The participants will embarked on a 4 week knowledge-driven, volunteerism journey with week 1 and 4 hosted at the Institut Teknologi Bandung while week 2 and 3 engaging with local communities in implementing DRR activities in Bandung.

For 2018, ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme will be organised in Malaysia focusing on Protecting ASEAN Heritage thematic area.

WHO: 50 ASEAN Youth DRR-Leaders – nationals of ASEAN countries, aged 18-30 years old (within the year 2017), fluent in the English language, passionate about the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) issues and serving communities in need, preferably with experience and/or training in disaster management on natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, typhoon, cyclones and whatnot, and committed to implement a project that can potentially benefit his/her own community.

WHAT: On its second run with the theme on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), the ASEAN Youth Volunteer Programme (AYVP) 2017 will be in Indonesia through a joint partnership between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia – UKM) and Institut Teknologi Bandung (Institute of Technology Bandung – ITB), in collaboration with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), ASEAN Secretariat and Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia.

WHEN: 1-26 August 2017
For a month, 50 DRR-Leaders will be equipped with leadership competencies through workshops and hands-on activities as they work with each other and local communities to discover the ASEAN identity and the role that ASEAN youth can play in the community, with a specific focus on the DRR issues.  On project sites also, they will engage the local communities on issues related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). When they head back to their home countries, they are expected to carry out their own community projects that will contribute to the resilience of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) issues in ASEAN. Successful proposals will be awarded seed grants with a maximum value of USD2,000.00.

WHERE: Bandung, Indonesia
*The first and last weeks will be spent at Institut Teknologi Bandung (Institute of Technology Bandung – ITB). The second and third weeks will be spent on two project sites in Bandung, Indonesia. The four weeks accommodation will be at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (Institute of Technology Bandung – ITB).

HOW: Apply through this online form: The closing date of application for facilitators will be on 17/02/2017 (midnight GMT) whilst for volunteers will be on 24/02/2017 (midnight GMT) . The selection will be based on individual merits. Only shortlisted volunteers will be notified. This will be followed by online selection and phone interviews conducted for shortlisted candidates. The selected participants will be notified via email.

OTHERS: Organisers will cover the 2-way flight, accommodation at Institut Teknologi Bandung (Institute of Technology Bandung – ITB)s, local transportation, meals and insurance for all 50 participants. Halal food will be served throughout to cater to the majority of Muslim participants including vegetarian food upon request.

For inquiries, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Or you also may email to for further information.

Visit Official announcement AYVP 2017