Oprec Youth for Climate Change (YFCC) DIY 2018

 Climate Change is Real !!!
"We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now,  which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe"
-Ellon Musk-

Halo Pemuda Yogyakarta!

Buat kamu yang kreatif, inovatif, dan punya passion terhadap isu-isu lingkungan!!

Mari bergabung menjadi bagian dari keluarga Youth For Climate Change (YFCC) D.I. Yogyakarta. YFCC merupakan wadah bagi pemuda yang tertarik dengan isu-isu lingkungan dan perubahan iklim, serta mau menjadi agen perubahan untuk lingkungan yang lebih baik.


Caranya :
Klik dan isi form ini ya... bit.ly/oprecyfccdiy

Segera daftarkan dirimu di "OPEN RECRUITMENT" YFCC D.I. Yogyakarta dan jadilah Climate Ranger!

Bersama kita tunjukkan kepedulian pada lingkungan!

Catat ya timeline kitaaa!!!
Seleksi berkas 26 januari - 23 februari 2018
Pengumuman berkas seleksi 26 februari 2018 
Wawancara 3-4 maret 2018
Pengumuman 7 maret 2018
First gathering  10 maret 2018

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi :
Blog: yfccyogya.blogspot.com
twitter :@yfccyogya
facebook : YFCC D.I Yogyakarta
instagram : yfccyogya

CP :
wa : 081287779648 (andre)
Line : andreww41
wa : 085601125359 (johan)
Line : johan_aprianto_k

PCMI Jakarta is Calling for PPAN 2018 DKI Jakarta

PPAN 2018 DKI Jakarta is finally here!

PCMI Jakarta is calling all YOUth of Purpose

Today, we open the registration for all youngsters registered in the province of DKI Jakarta, the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, to join the first phase of selection: Online-Administration Selection of PPAN 2018 DKI Jakarta.

To apply for PPAN 2018 DKI Jakarta, you can visit our official page containing link of Online Application Form with informations that you need to acknowledge:
Or directly go to the Online Application Form for PPAN 2018 DKI Jakarta!

Though we suggest you to read the terms and conditions related to the registration's requirement before you fill the Online Application Form here:

For more information, news and updates, feel free to check our official website www.pcmijakarta.com, message us by email on PPAN2018DKIJakarta@Gmail.com, or through our official Instagram page: PCMIJakarta.

Deadline of Application / Online-Administration Selection (Seleksi Administrasi Online):
East Jakarta: 22nd February 2018, 01:00 pm (Jakarta Local Time);
Central Jakarta: 26th February 2018, 01:00 pm (Jakarta Local Time);
South Jakarta: 1st March 2018, 01:00 pm (Jakarta Local Time);
West Jakarta: 31st March 2018, 01:00 pm (Jakarta Local Time);
North Jakarta & Thousand Islands: 31st March 2018, 01:00 pm (Jakarta Local Time).

Thank you for your attention and we wish you all the best! 😊

And here is a hint: What is YOUth of Purpose?
There’s you in youth, and there’s a purpose in you. Youth Exchange invites and encourages young people to represent the nation that has purposes in life: initiating good impact, sharing Indonesian values, and spreading the positive changes. it’s a call for action that includes those all directions we encourage the delegates to be: Nationalist (youth for nation) and Impactful (youth in action).

Study in Australia with Australia Award Scholarship 2018

Applications for Australia Awards Scholarships Open 1 February 2018 

Australia Awards in Indonesia is pleased to announce that applications for Australia Awards Scholarships will open on Thursday 1 February. Australia Awards Scholarships provide opportunities for individuals to gain an internationally recognised master or doctoral qualification from an Australian university and have the chance to pursue a career that makes a difference.

Australia Awards Scholarships are targeting Indonesians with the greatest potential to drive development in a range of sectors including economic growth, education, health, governance, and environment management.

The best and the brightest candidates will be selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership qualities, English skills and their potential to contribute to development in Indonesia.

Australia Awards Scholarships have been offered by the Australian Government for over 60 years as a fundamental part of the Australian development cooperation program in Indonesia.

Applications for Australia Awards Scholarships open on 1 February 2018 and close on 30 April 2018.

Australia Awards in Indonesia are available for the following types of courses:
  • Master degree courses
  • Doctorate degree (PhD) programs
Master Degree Courses
  • The maximum duration for a Master degree program is two years.
  • Master degree programs may be offered by coursework, by research or by a combination of coursework and research. Masters by research or a combination of coursework and research should be offered only to those applicants who have demonstrated the need for high level research skills in order to undertake research or teaching or to supervise researchers upon their return home.
  • Double Master degrees are permitted only when both are included in the institution's original offer and both courses can be completed within two years.
  • Applicants wishing to undertake a Masters by research must investigate an appropriate supervisor. Australian university websites identify the institution’s areas of research strength. Applicants should supply evidence of past research undertaken and highlight outcomes.
Doctorate Degree (PhD) Program
  • The maximum duration for a PhD is four years.
  • Study at doctorate level (PhD) may be subject to partner government approval. Normally, approval is given only where the applicant occupies, or is expected to occupy, a senior position requiring individual research or the supervision and training of other researchers in a research organisation (e.g. university or research centre) in the applicant’s home country.
Selection Quotas
  • Up to 70 per cent of awards overall will be offered to applicants from the Targeted Category (geographic focus areas, embassy partners and central government agencies);
  • Up to 30 per cent of awards overall will be offered to applicants from the Non-Targeted Category;
  • Up to 30 per cent of awards will be offered to applicants from Geographic Focus Areas;
  • 85 percent of awards will be offered at Masters level and up to 15 per cent of all awards will be offered at PhD level; and
  • An equal number of awards will be offered to men and women.
Lenght of Study and Course Options
Scholarships will be available for full-time study of an Australian post-graduate qualification for the minimum period required to complete the award through the relevant Australian university, selected from Australian Government contracted universities.

How to Apply

Online applications
All applicants are required to apply online at: https://oasis.dfat.gov.au 

When applying online, all essential supporting documents must be uploaded on OASIS to meet the specific requirements for Indonesia (Long Term Awards Brochure)

We advise applicants submitting online to do so well before the closing date. The online application facility (OASIS) experiences peak usage in the days leading up to the closing date and applicants may experience delays.

Applicants from Indonesia who apply online (through OASIS) must also complete an additional online at this link

Hardcopy applications
For applicants that are unable to apply online via OASIS, may submitted the application via hardcopy.

Please note that we strongly encourage you to apply online via OASIS first and only apply via hardcopy when you are unable to apply online via OASIS.

Hardcopy applications that consist of one (1) set of the application form and all essential supporting documents must be received by the closing date at the Australia Awards Office.

For hardcopy applications, please contact: longtermawards@australiaawardsindonesia.org.

General Requirements

  • Be an Indonesian citizen and be residing in and applying for the scholarship from Indonesia.
  • Not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent resident status, at any stage of the application, selection, mobilisation processes or while on-scholarship in Australia.
  • Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health, character etc).
  • Not be applying for a visa to live in Australia.
  • Not be applying for another long-term Australia Award unless they have resided outside Australia for twice the length of the total time that they were in Australia (for example, a previous Australia Awards Scholarship recipient in Australia for four years will not be eligible to apply for another Australia Awards Scholarship until they have resided outside Australia or back in Indonesia for eight years).
  • Have satisfied any specific criteria established by Indonesia or government of Indonesia.
  • Not be current serving military personnel.
  • Be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for a DFAT student visa.
  • Be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian university at which the Scholarship is to be undertaken.
Specifically, candidates must: 
  • Be applying for courses that fall within the areas of development priority (see “Priority Academic Area of Study” below).
  • Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9
  • for Master’s applicants, have an English language proficiency of at least 5.5 in IELTS (or 525 in paper-based TOEFL or 69 in internet based TOEFL or 42 in PTE Academic). The IELTS, TOEFL or PTE Academic result must be current (a test result obtained in April 30, 2016 until April 30,2018 will be considered current). No other English language test (including TOEFL prediction test) results will be accepted;
  • for PhD applicants, have an English language proficiency of at least 6.0 in IELTS (or 550 in paper-based TOEFL or 79 in internet based TOEFL or 50 in PTE Academic). The IELTS or TOEFL or PTE Academic result must be current (a test result obtained in April 30, 2016 until April 30,2018 will be considered current). No other English language test (including TOEFL prediction test) results will be accepted;
  • for applicants from GFAs and people with dissabilities, have a GPA equal to or higher than 2.75 or IELTS 5.0 (or 500 in paper-based TOEFL or 59 in internet based TOEFL or 36 in PTE Academic);
  • Provide contact details of test centre for verification of TOEFL test results.
  • Include a minimum of one (1) copy of the original Institutional TOEFL test result.
  • Already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters.
  • Already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate.
  • Answer all relevant questions on the application form.
  • Be willing and available to undertake full-time (Monday-Friday 0800-1600) English for Academic Purposes (EAP) training in Indonesia prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship.
  • If applying for a Doctorate, applicants will be restricted to staff of universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated with DFAT activities.
  • It is highly desirable for Doctorate applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian university for their proposed field of study.

Important Dates

Application Dates (for study commencing in Australia in 2019)
Opening date  : 1 February 2018
Closing date    : 30 April 2018
Applications or supporting documents received after this date will not be considered.

For further information, please click here.