Dicari Volunteer Penelitian Human-Komodo Conflict

Social Studies Human Comodo Conflict
Kategori : Volunteer
Waktu : 1 Agustus - 4 September 2016
Lokasi : Pulau Flores
Coverage : Seluruh biaya ditanggung, termasuk akomodasi, konsumsi, dan transportasi.

Human-Wildlife Conflict merupakan studi multidisiplin yang masih perlu banyak di sekitar area konservasi satwa liar. Kami mencari 1 orang volunteer studi sosial Human-Komodo Conflict untuk 1 Agustus - 4 September 2016 di Pulau Flores.

- mahasiswa (jurusan apapun)
- berminat belajar mengenai studi sosial di area konservasi satwa liar
- bersedia tinggal dengan fasilitas terbatas selama 1 bulan di pulau Flores
- bersedia untuk belajar bersosialisasi dengan budaya setempat
- memiliki integritas akademis

Studi di bawah Komodo Survival Program dan tim gabungan dari bidang ilmu Biologi dan Psikologi, nanti saat di sana juga ada edukasi ke sekolah melalui buku cerita dan metode lain.

Tidak digaji tapi seluruh biaya ditanggung, termasuk akomodasi, konsumsi, dan transportasi.

Kirimkan CV ke puspitainsankamil@gmail.com
Kontak: Puspita 085212773798

Call for Applications HANDs! Project 2016 – 2017

Hands Project 2016-2017
Hands Project 2016-2017

Call for Applications HANDs! Project 2016 – 2017
For Disaster and Environmental Education + Creativity

Deadline: July 18th, 2016
Location : Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Japan
Type of Program : Fully Funded

The HANDs! Project is a human resource development program sponsored by the Japan Foundation Asia Center. The Project was created as a place for mutual learning, sharing knowledge, and cooperating to solve problems for disaster prevention and support for disaster-affected areas, primarily in Asian countries. 

Currently, youth with a strong interest in disaster prevention are selected once a year from eight countries including Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Japan for training. By our target date of 2020, we will produce many new leaders who will cultivate disaster prevention and support activities for disaster-affected areas in the Asian region and build a network that transcends national borders.

If you are young professionals or university students, concerned about disaster and environmental education, please read this and apply!

To learn more about HANDs! Project:
- HANDs! Project website: http://handsproject.asia/en.html
- Action Plan Stories from Indonesia in HANDs! Magazine: Here
- Update on HANDs! Project: Here

Please note that this call for application is for Indonesian nationality ONLY. 

For citizens of Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and India, please contact the Japan Foundation regional offices in your respective countries to ask about HANDs! Project Call for Application.

For citizens of Nepal, please contact the Japan Foundation New Delhi, and citizens of Myanmar, please contact the Japan Foundation, Bangkok to ask about HANDs! Project Call for Application.

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process or the HANDs! Project, please contact HANDs! Project Desk in Indonesia.

HANDs! Project Desk in Indonesia
The Japan Foundation, Jakarta
Summitmas I, Lantai 2-3, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia.
Tel +62-21-520-1266

CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders (CYAL) 2016

CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders 2016

Deadline : July 9th, 2016
Dates of Event : October 10-12, 2016
Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Type : Fully Funded (2-way flight, accomodation, local transportation, meals and insurance)
Open for : ASEAN students

The CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders (CYAL) study tour is a scholarship programme for undergraduate students of ASEAN nationality. CYAL 2016 will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 10-12 October 2016, in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia - UKM).

The theme for CYAL 2016 is Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) to be implemented through a collaboration between Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia – (The National University of Malaysia - UKM) and CIMB. Participants are expected to work in groups to produce a video on DRR. The winning video stands a chance to win exciting prizes and be shown at the closing ceremony on the 12th October 2016.

  1. Open to nationals of ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
  2. Undergraduate student between the ages of 18 to 30 with a minimum CGPA/CQPI of 3.0 or equivalent, enrolled in an ASEAN university
  3. Able to fluently communicate in the English language, written and spoken
  4. Currently working on a community project for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Organisers will cover the 2-way flight, accommodation, local transportation, meals and insurance for all 50 participants. Halal food will be served throughout to cater to the majority of Muslim participants including vegetarian food upon request.


There are only 50 places in this programme. After technical knock-out, qualified applicants will undergo the first round of selection by officials of the CIMB Foundation and UCTC, UKM. The final round of selection will be a telephone interview.

The closing date of application will be midnight GMT, 9th July 2016. The selection will be based on the merits of the individual. There will be online or phone interviews conducted for shortlisted candidates.

Only selected participants will be notified after 29th July 2016.

For more info:
Website: https://cyalukm.wordpress.com/
Email: cyalukm@gmail.com